Sunday, June 8, 2008

what the friggin hell?

ok so i'm a grammar bitch. i can't STAND when things aren't worded properly or spelt right. bad punctuation pisses me off, too. so why why WHY would one go on a public forum & proceed to use the improper form of a homonym to describe something? case in point: hard WEAR when hard WARE is meant. come on. you say you're a pro...shouldn't you at least have a CLUE as to how to spell the stuff you use all the time?
or...complimenting someone. hellatious? what kind of word is that? HOW ABOUT A DICTIONARY DUMBASS! hellacious. there. now go fix your freakin post. and one more...YOU DESERVE IT BECAUSE YOUR GRATE AT WHAT YOU, that one manages to stuff two screwups in one sentence & the original post was all in caps just like that! somehow that sentence goes from trying to be a compliment to being a sentence that tells someone they deserve something because their piece of material used to prevent something from going somewhere it shouldn't rambles into a non-sequitur.
i'm going to start a business. where what i do is correct people's publicly posted stupidity. but it probably wouldn't fly too well as i strongly suspect that people would prefer to look like absolute morons to the rest of the world than to have someone correct them.
oh and one last one. on base? the AMERICAN ARMY BASE? there are signs that are mispelled or grammatically incorrect. i was pondering this one day & it was brought to my attention that probably those signs were produced by people whose first language is not english. ok, that's all well & good considering where we live. but for God's's an AMERICAN ARMY BASE! which is supposedly american soil as in america...where the 1st language is still english no matter how many people try to change it. so wouldn't you think you could try to get your act together & make sure your signs are right?
oh and don't get me started on things like "u" for you, "r" for are & "peeps" for people. it just makes my skin crawl. and then i think of marshmallow candy. and then it just pisses me off even more because easter is long gone & where's my bunnies?! (see...there's my own little non-sequitur for the day)

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